The Northern Ireland Common Sense Basic Income Party

The nicsbi party is a Political Party that intends to contest Assembly Elections in Northern Ireland. Our constitutional aim is to unify the social and political spectrum of Northern Ireland by mainstreaming the theories of Common Sense and Basic Income.

Anyone can vote, join or stand as a candidate for nicsbi so long they agree Basic Income would be desirable for our society & economy: we should advocate for it while valuing common sense (being nice). And that’s it! That’s the entire scope of the party. Absence of party lines is the Party-Line of the nicsbi party, and the belief systems and ideas of voters, members or candidates outside of these two theories are their own and exist as such: outside of the party.

The party advocates for a policy that will greatly improve the lives of most of us living in Northern Ireland and in doing so, creates a platform for others to join and simultaneously advocate for any other policy, issue or cause they feel strongly about (should they have one).

It’s Common Sense!

Common Sense is the political, economic and philosophical theory of utilising rationality and objectivity when confronted with information.

Employing this theory enables us to consider how we have come to hold our own political beliefs, and using the same thought process, evaluate how someone from the ‘other side’ of the community has come to hold theirs.

We do not have a definitive answer to the ‘Northern Ireland question’, but we think we know how we can find one.

Let me skip to that bit

Basic Income

Basic Income is a fixed, regular and unconditional payment given to all citizens regardless of their wealth, income or employment status to cover basic human needs.

The premise is hundreds of years old but has had a resurgence in popularity lately for a multitude of converging & fairly obvious reasons.

Support for basic income across the political spectrum underscores its potential to transcend ideological boundaries and serve as a unifying policy solution for addressing the complex issues we face.

In the short to medium term, nicsbi will advocate for a formless & non-specific Basic Income.

You can find out why while learning more about Basic Income by clicking here - Do it!

By implementing these theories we think we could realign the incentives of our politicians and our government while alleviating some of the socioeconomic challenges currently devastating our communities here in Northern Ireland. These issues include but are not limited to; poverty, homelessness, addiction, economic inactivity, racial and sectarian tension, political apathy, institutional mistrust, financial instability - and who could forget the ever maddening mental health crisis.

Membership and candidature is open to all along the political and social spectrum of Northern Ireland so long you agree in principle with the ideas of Common Sense & Basic Income.

It would be much easier to instigate political and social change if our basic human needs were covered by something like, I don’t know… something like a Basic Income?

But until then, we rely solely on your kind donations.

Contact us

Got something to say?

What you would do if your basic needs were covered? How much would that cost? What do you consider basic needs?

Alternatively, you can contact us at
